Bulan: Maret 2022

Marvel News – Benedict Cumberbatch points out Spider-Man’s mistake not to go home

The core is speculation before and after the release Spider-Man: Nowhere to Go It’s Doctor Strange’s botched spell. While audiences know this led to Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man, and their slew of web-slinging baddies, into the MCU, the question remains whether other Multiversal events are to blame? Or whether the strangeness played by […]

Marvel News – Moon Knight Actress Lucy Thackeray on Oscar Isaac’s Generosity, Marvel Secrecy, and More (Exclusive)

Fans were ecstatic when they learned that Oscar Isaac was set to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not only that, but there’s a man of unique complexity: the Moon Knight. The hero suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), which eventually led to the character developing a number of different personalities – while also believing that […]